Rating rules

Our global ranking of teams and hookah masters is based on the amount of points earned by one team or another. Points can be obtained by participating in our competitions and by “achievements” obtaining.
Senior league
10 pts
For the 1st place of the Senior league
8 pts
For the 2nd place of the Senior league
6 pts
For the 3rd place of the Senior league
2 pts
For participate in the Senior league
-2 pts
If the team didn't appear (after confirmation) to participate in the Senior league
Junior league
5 pts
For the 1st place of the Junior league
4 pts
For the 2nd place of the Junior league
3 pts
For the 3rd place of the Junior league
1 pts
For participate in the Junior league
-1 pts
If the team didn't appear (after confirmation) to participate in the Jenior league
Hookah Hub Karma & Voting power
Voting Power = 1
Voting Power = 2
Voting Power = 3
Voting Power = 4
75 <
Voting Power = 5
Some competitions (for example, the Champions Cup) may give a different number of points.


You can also get points for certain achievements that can be positive or negative (add or decrease points)
Audience Award
The brand that has contributed to the development of the industry according to the audience (+2 points)
Top-3 expo 1st place
Top companies that have contributed according to expert opinion (1st place, +5 points)
Top-3 expo 2nd place
Top companies that have contributed according to expert opinion (2nd place, +4 points)
Top-3 expo 3rd place
Top companies that have contributed according to expert opinion (3rd place, +3 points)
Winning a nomination from DarkSide (+1 point)
Did not appear on the Battle after registration (-2 points)
Boring Stockman
Did not prepare for the performance (-1 point)
The First Winner
The First Winner (+5 points)
Drunk on stage (-1 point)
Party goer
Hung out with Hookah Battle administration beyond the battle (+1 point)
Made laugh on stage (+1 point)
No win, but hype
Your performance attracted attention, but you did not win (+1 point)
Burn the Jury
Knocked coal over the judges (-1 point)
Unlucky Destroyer
Broke a hookah before or during a performance (+1 point)
Online Leader
Took 1st place in the online qualifying vote, voting participants at least 10 persons (+2 points)
Assisted other teams (+1 point)
Hookah Battle helper
Helped to organize the Hookah Battle (+1 point)
Participated in the Battle Abroad (+3 points)